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How to lose fat w\out losing muscle

Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/02/02, 07:59 PM
I want to know how to lose fat with losing the least amount of muscle at the time. And how much muscle will i lose while cutting fat. And is there a certain amount of time i should be on this regime or until i'm satisfied.
Posts: 490
Joined: 2003/07/08
United States
2004/02/02, 08:35 PM
well, first, i don't think you can lose them both at the same time... the reason why your body would choose to burn your muscles instead of fat (for fuel), is because it's easier for it to use the muscles... now, if you get to the point where your body is actually using fats from your body, i don't think it'd suddenly decide to use some of your muscles on top of that... of course, i could be wrong...

anyhoo, what you do so that you don't lose muscles every time you go to the gym, is easy... simply make sure you have fuel for your body to use at that time... how do you go about doing so, you ask? well, have a meal rich in carbs 1-1.5 hours before you hit the weights/cardio, and you should be fine... for better results, make sure you drink your protein shake right after you're done working out (within 30 minutes), since your body absorbs those proteins a lot better then...

hope it helped... good luck!
Posts: 490
Joined: 2003/07/08
United States
2004/02/02, 08:37 PM
oh, i forgot... (i hate double posting, but oh well...) make sure you drink a lot of water while you work out too... it's best if you sip it instead of taking huge old gulps...

*tries to think if there's anything else*

nah, if i forgot something, someone else posts...
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2004/02/02, 08:50 PM
The body is a very efficient machine, and will use the easiest substrate it can for fuel. The body is very efficient at breaking down muscle tissue for BCAA's which is a good fuel source. It is hard to get your body to use fatty acids as fuel, simply becuase the body cannot mobilize them very efficiently. So, you must "protect" your lean tissue. Pimple states some good points, supply the proper fuel, glycogen stores, and you will retain muscle. Let your caloric deficit from diet and exercise "burn" your fat as your baseline metabolism increases. The main trick to cardio is treating it as a workout. If you do this, you will burn calories and again burn fat through a caloric deficit.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
Posts: 111
Joined: 2002/12/30
United States
2004/02/03, 12:29 AM
hey bb1fit, how do you go about making a caloric deficit. I understand the concept but my problem is writing down what I eat and measuring it. Do you literally measure/weigh everything you eat...if so how do you go about measuring oddball stuff that, do you guestimate.

If you have any system that you use that makes it seem easy, let me know. Once I develop the habit of doing will be like taking my protein/creatine/multivitamins. I won't think about it, I'll just do it!
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2004/02/03, 10:27 AM
Yes, put everything in portion sizes. Such as 6 oz. of chicken. At first you will need to weigh, but after a while you will get very adept at just looking at it and being able to portion out 6 oz. Do the same with things like 1/2 cup beans, or 5 oz. sweet potato. Write them down. When you see an amount of calories you are eating on a consistent basis, and with the same amount of activity as usual, and you are not gaining or losing a lb., then this is your maintenance calories. Now start shaving calories at your desired rate. I like 250 per day, in 2 weeks that will create a 3500 calorie deficit, thus a lb. loss. If you add in more exercise, more of a deficit. You can do it with calories and with adding exercise, try to combine them. If you want a faster loss, you can do more, but you run the risk of losing muscle, any loss over 2lbs. per week will probably thrill you on the scale, but a portion of it will most likely be muscle.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
Posts: 111
Joined: 2002/12/30
United States
2004/02/03, 06:07 PM
Alright...I think I can try that. What do you do when lets say you cook a meal for more than one person? For instance, if you cook 4 cups of beans and everyone digs in, do you measure your cooked food to see how much of the 4 cups of beans you got?
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2004/02/03, 08:58 PM
Just measure your portion size out, let the others do their thing. We do that, I get my portion size out first. This way I am getting my exact amounts.

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....