Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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Help with motivation ?

Posts: 2
Joined: 2012/11/16
United States
2012/11/16, 02:31 AM
I am 5'4" female and i weigh 150 lbs. Which i weighed 138 lbs in October, i have gained that fast!! My goal is to get down to 130 lbs. I used to weigh 165 lbs last year, and i lost 20 lbs within a couple of months. I quit working out because i worked so much, but then i lost my job and well, here i am. A sedintary slob, or atleast that is how i feel. I have a huge attraction to food lately, it is embaressing. I was thinking of going on a raw food diet to become more healthy? does anyone have any pointers or tips to help me get off my butt?
2012/11/17, 12:11 AM
Tiffany, the up and down thing on weight is a bad place to be. Rather than looking at drastic solutions like a "raw food" diet, try to set goals that point towards a lifestyle change. That would be something like an exercise program you enjoy. Variety is good. Most importantly do look to your diet. Eating whole unprocessed food is always best. Try to avoid foods that come in a box, bag or has a long shelf life. Avoid sugary food and drink when you can.

Losing 20 lbs in a couple of months isn't healthy. You can lose a pound or two a week in a healthy fashion but much more than that is probably counterproductive as you have seen first hand. You are probably better off if you stop paying attention to your weight and paying more attention to how your pants fit. Be patient with yourself. Set achievable dietary and exercise goals. Make a gradual lifestyle change and stick to it.

Welcome here.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2012/12/02
United States
2012/12/02, 12:48 PM
I am also one of those up and down weight loss people. I want to take it off for good this time in a health way and something that i will continue to do after wards to keep the weight off and a habit that I do all the time and not even think,, I am 5'9, 200 lbs and I want to loss  50 lbs  and a work out system that fits me.  I had back surgery in 08 and use that as an excuse not to work out and that's what it is an excuse. I hope you can help me here