Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 38, Messages: 16459

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Gains are Stagnating

Posts: 71
Joined: 2004/10/06
United States
2008/04/15, 11:13 PM
universal recreational athleticism... IE practical strength that will be to my advantage in any athletic endeavor.

Cardiovascular endurance, I hate that feeling of being out of breath unless I'm intentionally trying to get there. I have no interest in running a marathon

Weight loss, I have some really stubborn last bastions of bodyfat which I have not been able to remove succesfully in the past year despite a reasonably healthy diet and consistent exercise.

Current Split
Day 1: Chests and Back
Typically includes supersets where I can apply them for opposing motions.
Chest: Bench (Flat, Incline, Decline) x 3 sets each 6-10rep goals. Flyers or Cable Cross Overs 3 sets.
Back: Bent Over Rows 3 sets, Lat Pull down (narrow or wide) 3 sets, Pulls up (3 sets to fatigue), 1 misc exercise of my choosing 3 sets, and 5 sets of shrugs + 10 minutes of abdominal work
Day 2: Legs
5 Sets of Squats doing a pyramid style lift. I do this mostly as it takes some warming up before I feel comfortable squating 200+, I tweaked my lower back some time ago and it just hasn't been the same. Right now I go 135x12, 165x10, 195x8-10, 225x6-8, 245x4-6
Straight Leg Deadlifts, with a similar pattern
3 sets of Weighted Lunges
Machine leg curls? I don't know what you call them but one isolates quads, the other the hamstrings.
Lastly Calf work which includes both weighted and unweighted stuff
Usually I do 10 minutes on the bike and stretch afterwards.
Day 3: Arms of Shoulders
Sitting Dumbell Military Press 4x10
Standing Military Press 3x10
Deltoid raises
Biceps and Triceps, super set a variety of exercises
Dips, skullcrushers, narrowgrip bench
Preacher curls, hammer curls etc
Day 4: Cardio and Abominal focus. Usually start up with a 20 minute cardio session of moderate intensity, do an abdominal routine, and then finish out with 20 minutes of HIIT.

Day 5 is rest, then I repeat.

My diet is so so as a result of dining hall food, they seem to sneak grease and salt into just about everything they can.

My average daily diet looks something like this

Breakfast 1 7:30AM: Juice and Cliff Bar (eat on the go before my 8:00 AM class)
Breakfast 2 9:30 AM: Peanut Butter and Toast (whole wheat), or Raisen Bran, a glass of skim milk, and a piece of fruit.
Lunch: Roast Beef Sandwhich, a large spinach salad, 2 tall cups of water.
-Work Out- about 2-3 hours afterwards
Muscle Milk Protein Shake made with skim milk
Dinner: either the same thing as lunch, or pasta with meat sauce, or a grilled burger which they seem to overcook to the point that not a morsel of fat is left.

I'd really appreciate some input/advice, there seem to be some really knowledgable people on this board. If you need any additional information please let me know.

In terms of additional exercise I fence and play squash rather frequently (yea I know they're blue blood snobby sports... sue me)
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2008/04/16, 08:01 AM
If you're after cardiovascular endurance and athleticism, I'd see it being advantageous to switch from a body part split to a more total body type split. I'd think it might be a good idea to superset your compound moves and take shorter rest periods, because this will not only get you used to moving heavy weight, but at the same time will bring up your anaerobic endurance and even aerobic endurance.

Something I'd like to play with at some point (maybe leading to my next contest) is an upper/lower split, but doing light lower body accessory work on my heavy upper body days, and the other way around, both for recovery (getting blood into my sore muscle groups) and to boost cardio.

SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk