Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Creating Exercise Programs

Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/01/02
United States
2003/01/17, 11:01 AM

Is it a good idea to write (type) out a program for weight training. And what is the best way of going about that?

For instance if you focus on biceps, triceps, back and shoulders do you plan 2 type of exercises for each muscle?

I'm new but would like to learn...

Posts: 1,139
Joined: 2002/11/18
United States
2003/01/17, 01:41 PM
In the program that I do, I do 2 to 3 exercises per body part per week. I try to hit all parts of the muscle that I am working, for example: chest, bench press, incline press, and declines. This way I get a all around chest workout. I also keep a log of what I lift on each exercise, Number one reason, I never want to go down on my weights and what a thrill when I go up. I just use a regular notebook and log my monday workout, tuesday workout and so on.

I will lift my own weight someday!!!!!
Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/01/02
United States
2003/01/17, 02:46 PM

I get so cunfused on all of the exercises, and of course my form to boot
How did you become so acclamated, is it something you just get use to?

Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/01/17, 07:04 PM
Have you tried a program from ft? You can print it out and take it with you to the gym.
I am doing one of the programs right now, and its awsome.
It's seems to put me where I want to be after my workout.
Each day focuses on something different. For example today was my legs, I did 4 exercises.

The trouble with jogging is that, by the time you realize you are not in shape for it, it is too far to walk back! Franklin P. Jones

Ivan Montreal Canada