Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Chins between chairs, proper form?

Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/01/21
United States
2003/01/22, 08:13 AM
My doctor has asked me to lose 24 pounds by 2004, I'm trying to do it by August. I don't currently have access to weights, so I've started the home workout routine described on this site. On of the exercises in that workout is "Chins between Chairs". I'm all but positive that I am doing this wrong. Perhaps I have long forearms but when I do this the bar feels too low. I think that I am following the description fairly well. Also the description says to keep your body straight, but in the picture it appears that, when pulled up to the bar, the man is bending at the waist. Which is it? It is VERY dificult for me to do this more than one time without bending at the waist. Is there a less confusing alternative to this exercise that works the same muscle groups? I'd even be willing to put a chin up bar in my garage if that were necessary. Thanks in advance for your help.


FYI, follow this link to see the description of chins between chairs.