Group: Health Supplements

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 102, Messages: 16613

Supplements can be a great aid with your health and fitness goals. Combined with the proper exercise and nutritional plan they can be quite effective.

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Best Weight Loss Supplements?

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/12/26
United States
2007/12/26, 10:29 AM
Does any one have an opinion or expereince with weight loss supplement for women that really works and can help boost faster weight loss? I am one of those if I don't see results quickly I get discouraged.
Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2007/12/27, 05:15 PM
There isn't really a "best" weight loss supplement out there. For the most part, they are all a bunch of jacked-up caffeine pills. Your DIET should be the #1 priority. Understanding your calories in versus calories out. I don't disagree with pills, but they should be just one small cog in the over-all machine of your program.
One of the more gentle pills that I know of is Cylaris. It is still a caffeine pill, but kind of suppresses the appetite. The problem is that these types of pills might work great at first, but your body quickly adapts to them.
In the long run, pills may help you at first, but it's really up to the rest of your program to maintain that fat loss. And it took you a while to gain the weight, it'll take some time to lose it. Just stick with it, and you should see results. And also remember that healthy fat loss is only 1-2 lbs a week.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/12/26
United States
2008/01/20, 03:32 PM
I tried TrimSpa when I was about 16 or 17 and it helped me lose some weight, but not significant amount because I didn't stick to it, so I dont know for sure how great it is. But I did lose about 10 lbs on it that first month. It tasted extremely bad and my breath was horrid while I was taking it, but it did help WITHOUT me dieting or exercising. I tried it again when I was about 19 or 20 (again, not for a very long time) and didn't see ANY results (too bad because my boyfriend shelled out the money for FIVE BOTTLES!) He and I went to GNC and one of the employees told us how he lost 60 lbs in 3 months (not healthy, I know, but he has been able to keep it off for over a year). He recommended I buy and read the book "Body for Life" and try taking Lipo 6. Again, I didn't take the Lipo 6 consistantly (I HATE taking pills. I already have to take an anti-depressant and feminine pills... so I got lazy about taking more). But while I was on it, not only did I lose weight, but I had energy, I was HAPPIER (no change in Anti-depressent medication at the time), and cravings weren't so bad anymore. I'm definately going to try this product again. GNC offers a discount at the beginning of every month, so if there's ever a time to buy anything for them, do it on the first week of any month!
Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/01/22
United States
2008/01/22, 12:46 PM
I lost around 30 pounds drinking amplify from GNC . It comes in different flavors- but I recommend either the chocolate or vanilla!:)

Quoting from amelia11:

Does any one have an opinion or expereince with weight loss supplement for women that really works and can help boost faster weight loss? I am one of those if I don't see results quickly I get discouraged.

Christy L. Cochran
Posts: 7
Joined: 2024/03/21
United States
2024/04/24, 07:36 AM
When it comes to weight loss supplements for women, it's important to approach with caution and skepticism. While there are countless products on the market claiming to offer quick and effective results, not all of them are safe or backed by scientific evidence. Additionally, rapid weight loss can be unsustainable and potentially harmful to your health.
Instead of relying solely on supplements, I recommend focusing on a holistic approach to weight loss that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management. These lifestyle factors play a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight in the long term.
That said, some supplements may offer support in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. Ingredients like green tea extract, caffeine, and fiber have been shown to aid in weight loss when combined with diet and exercise.