Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

With such a topic so broad we truly try to cover the basics from all angles in this group. Nothing too big or too small. Nutrition is as significant if not more as exercise is to reaching your goals so learn all you can.

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Any personal trainers?

Posts: 111
Joined: 2002/12/30
United States
2003/04/17, 12:10 AM
Hey everyone. I'm really starting to enjoy weight-lifting and learning how the body works (muscles, nutrition, etc). At my university, we have a fitness training minor that I'm thinking about getting and then in the near future maybe becoming a part time trainer. Do you all have fun working as a trainer and is your schedule flexible. Any suggestions or comments about training would be awesome. Thank You!
Posts: 794
Joined: 2002/05/08
United States
2003/04/17, 07:27 AM
Let me tell you, I LOVE my job. When I got into weight training, I wanted to know EVERYTHING as well. That is what led me to become a personal trainer and I love every minute of it. I am not sure about the others, but at the club I work at I keep my own schedule and I have control of when I want to work. Basically, you make as much money as you put into it. If you like working out that much and want to really help people, then this would definately be a job for you. Good luck.
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2003/04/17, 10:49 PM
Being a trainer is very rewaring. Watching clients progress and function better becaus eof the work you do with them is phenominal.
Some clubs are better than others.
I quit the club scene and started my own business - much happier.
You have to be prepared for some frustration, also.
There is an excellent book called Industry of Illusions - I recommend you read it, it talks about what consumers are thinking and why it can be hard to be a trainer (alos rewarding).
You can have a doezen frustarting clients, but there will always be at least one that makes it all worth it - the one who came to you in such bad shape that they couldn't do stairs or even one lunge or squat and a year later is Hwaii, scuba-diving (carrying their own tank) and able do walk up stairs 'like a normal person'.
Good luck!

Challenge + Consistency = Results
Posts: 44
Joined: 2003/04/12
United Kingdom
2003/04/18, 12:07 PM
I live in London, does anyone have any idea of how to become a personal trainer, costs etc! I really want to do it alongside my university degree!
Posts: 794
Joined: 2002/05/08
United States
2003/04/18, 05:51 PM
Search the web for a certification company and make sure it is a good one such as ACE, ACSM, AFFA, and ISSA. Cost varies, so you will have to a little research.
Posts: 111
Joined: 2002/12/30
United States
2003/04/21, 08:06 PM
Thanks for responding, you all gave me some good information. Asimmer, I'm already trying to get that book you recommended to read, seems really interesting. Dahayz, your attitdue about your job is exactly what I want. I can't do something for a living and hate every day I work. Thanks again!
