Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

Everyone 25 years of age and under are encouraged to join this group to share common goals, stories and encouragement with their goals.

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A teen's advice

Posts: 18
Joined: 2004/10/04
United States
2005/01/04, 06:55 PM
I think it's awesome that there is a site that I can actually join and not get ridiculed becasue I'm a girl. Where I come from it's not normal for a girl to want to excersice so much. See I'm not a person who really cares about what other people say unless it's not rude. I love to be outdoors and climbing wheather it's rock climbing, repelling, wall scaleing I love it all. I wish there was a rock climbing place around where I live but it's about an hour away and I don't drive quite yet sometime soon. Do you think it's cool a girl likes to lift I do. I love when guys are intimidated by a gurl with some muscle.:laugh: However, I need to work to build that up again. Leave me some psots I want to make some new friends
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Joined: 2005/01/01
2005/01/04, 07:25 PM
i always respekted when a girl spent time in gym.i think its normal. dont 4get its good to look after ur body.u gonna be kool atletic girl. cuz im tired of seeing this typical north american fat women.:angry:yuuuk
Posts: 18
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United States
2005/01/04, 09:38 PM
I hope I turn out athletic. I just have to remember what my priorities are. I sometimes forget. I love the lean built look but just can't seem to remember how to stay that way but ppl say I shouldnt worry all that much because I don't weigh alot 107 but then that means I dont have alot of muscle neither because muscle is heavier then fat :angry:Well I guess I can change that is I keep up with my goals
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2005/01/04, 09:42 PM
Amen to that lol... same here... I play softball,vball,bball,and fball but uhh i aint that skinny lol. I like to lift weights too. Talk to yall later :big_smile:

Whats another word for thesaurus? Just wondering.....
2005/01/05, 04:33 AM
4wheeler it's great that you're into fitness ...stay with'll get many great benefits out of you grow up you'll discover that men/people won't be intimidated by it and instead like you for it....guys who pick on you are just immature at this stage in their 'social development' so just ignore their petty insults...and if it's other people(other girls, parents) they are just ignorant...women in our society have to fit a certain stereotype and if they don't then they get ridiculed for it....ignore the ignorant is my best adivce heh

Why don't you join clubs or school teams? If you like to be outdoors join a cross country team....get to run outside...

or join other be with like minded people your age

107 is on the light side....what is your height? and to know if most of the 107 is muscle, go get your body fat checked...22-25% is avg for a women...14-18% is lean
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2005/01/05, 10:13 AM
thing is do what makes YOU happy. Dont' worry about what people think. I always wanted a 6 pack and be lean. Only thing was I didn't really want a 6 pack , I wanted one cause I thought thats what girls liked and I would starve myself bascily trying to loose weight get body fat down etc.

Now I just like throwing alot of weight around, and i'm nto so conserned with athetics or what other people think. SO what I don't have 31in wasit or a six pack........guys I usualy see like that aren't as big as my leg.

theres a girl on here I think you should talk to ......her name is howdiekat

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Posts: 18
Joined: 2004/10/04
United States
2005/01/05, 10:53 AM
I am not sure what my body fat percent is and I am not all that sure where to go to figure that out but I proablly will find somewhere to go eventually. bigandrew I think it's great that you are the person you want to be. I like that in aa guy it's pretty cool. I just hope guys around me grow up some day and figure out that it's ok that I like to lift. Menace I am on sports teams and all like soccer and was on football but see I am told that I am built tiny I am only 5'1 my mom was only like 4'8 so and she is real tiny. They say that muscle isn't all that interesting on a tiny girl but frankly I guess I dont care. But yeah sports teams are aweosme but my favorite thing to do is rock climb and hike but I can't find those kinds of things around here cuz PENNSYLVANIA IS SO BOREING.

Well talk to ya'll later you guys are all awesome.
2005/01/05, 06:18 PM
4wheeler that's excellent...stay with soccer and other activities you're doing....try basketball...I wish we had more rockclimbing places in SF I love to do it when I get a chance...Yes some people insist you look a certain way to fit a certain stereotype of how a girl should look like but that's just a bunch bs...just take it in my friend who grew up in Penn told me the same thing...they just sit around and play guitars or other music when he goes back...this is why at 16 you should be motivated to get license and be able to drive to places where you cna do things you want to do...

horse rider go check your body fat at gym or doctor....don't go below 14%... I don't know what 'i am not very fat' means but yea...check bf and see where you are at....peoples perceptions of what is 'normal' differ but numbers don't lie...
Posts: 23
Joined: 2005/01/02
United States
2005/01/05, 08:37 PM
Ashley you look fine now! I wish I was as skinny as you! You have nothing to worry about! :big_smile:

Worlds Unanswered questions- What\'s another word for thesaurus? Why do they call the small candy bars fun sizes? Do bald people get dandruff? (lol no offense)
Posts: 15
Joined: 2005/01/01
2005/01/08, 01:25 AM
why u need b/f so bad ??!!
i trying to figure out:surprised:hmmm
2005/01/08, 04:45 AM
horserider how old are you?

there could be many reasons for that....confidence, the way you talk, how you come off in social situations, what you talk about with people, the way you dress, etc, ....looks are not everything...
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2005/01/08, 01:29 PM
4wheeler you are awesome! you sound a lot like i did when i was in high school. sadly, ft wasn't around back in those days :(

you have got some amazing self confidence and that is rare in someone your age. if you ever need some tips on muscle building from a woman's perspective, i would be more than happy to help you out!

keep up the good work :)

i wish you ill, ice-t.

margarine is a liar who announces, "i am butter!"
2005/01/09, 05:57 AM have got to be kidding me....not to sound negative but you are stressing way too much....focus on school/sports/ life/dating will come naturally to you later...don't push it're pretty young to be worried about something like this...give yourself 2-3 years...

also boyfriend from kindgarden to 5th have a skewed perception of what a 'boyfriend' is...
Posts: 2,457
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United States
2005/01/09, 11:15 AM
Horse rider is your keyboard programmed to automatically type stupid posts? I have been waiting around for you to ask a legit question and you have yet to do so. Do you plan on doing anything productive on this site besides asking why you do not have a boyfriend? Why dont you channel your negative energy towards getting fit, and perhaps the boys would start paying attention.

I am from Philadelphia, for all the people who keep posting the infamous where are you from thread.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2004/10/04
United States
2005/01/09, 01:10 PM
By the way that last post was from me I accidently signed out before I posted it so horse_rider here ae some ways you can talk to me if you want
or on here you can talk to me if you want.
2005/01/10, 03:36 AM
sorry to tell you but in kindegarden that's equivalent to "i'll show you mine if you show me urs" do many adult thingsto mimic being 'grownup' ...doesn't mean they are..take it for what it's worth...stop stressing over this fluff....and focus on school, health, extra curricular activities.....become INVOLVED in amny different activities...this is how you meet people who share similar interests....also at 13 I don't necessarily know that many guys who are that mature.....remember girls mature first...but more mature guys(15-17yr olds) are unlikely to date a 13yr old just patient
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2005/01/10, 10:17 AM
its funny topic.i agree with 'null'
Posts: 18
Joined: 2004/10/04
United States
2005/01/10, 10:36 AM
I think if you would jsut follow some advice you would be ok chicky life isnt hard and you don't always need a guy in your life. It's ok to have guy friends. I have guy friends and yeah I have kissed them in the bathroom no but thats kind a messed up anyways. While your on here though think about what you signed up for. This program is ment to help you wiht your exercise program but my offer is still there if you want to talk. I know right now I am a nobody to you but I can help you alot.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2004/10/04
United States
2005/01/28, 11:22 PM
In the summer I run alot almost every morning. However, in the winter where I live it gets really really cold. Is it better to run outside or indoors in the winter? I ws told that running on a tread mill or on an inside track isn't the same as running outside. I mean running outside does that make a bigger difference then running inside? Thatmight seem like an awkward question but I really would like to know. Cuz if it's better to run outside I need to bundle up:)
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2005/01/29, 03:59 AM
i wouldn't say it's better to run outside, but there are differences. when you're indoors (especially on a track) you're in a controlled environment and you don't have to worry about factors like wind resistance and changing terrain. you can always do a treadmill program with varying inclines — that will make it a little more realistic, for lack of a better word.

i like to split my time between outdoor and indoor running, but i live in texas so extreme cold is not really an issue here. i change it up because houston is flatter than flat and i like to run on an incline. we also have horrible air quality so in all honestly, running inside is better for my health.

if you're running outside i'd get a good pair of running tights to keep your joints warm. if i recall correctly the ideal temperature for running is 55°, but i'm guessing it's colder than that where you are.

the bottom line is that if you're doing cardio, indoors or outdoors, you're going to be benefitting from it. change your routine around so you don't get bored, and when it's warm enough to run outside, take advantage of it. i wouldn't worry so much about where you're doing it, just get it done :)

if you get me started on quentin tarantino films, chances are you won't be able to shut me up.

excuses are really good for making you fat.

margarine is a liar who announces, \"i am butter!\"