Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 379, Messages: 54577

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Work out Now or later?

Posts: 95
Joined: 2001/08/16
2001/09/30, 11:52 AM
hey every one... need to ask...

i was wondering what is the best time to work out..?
One of my bodybuilder friends tells me that i should work out at the middle or end of the day.. like at nights .. he says that at nights my body is already warmed up and i can lift more weights...

However i also heard that in the morning time testostron level is the highest after a good sleep. and thats why most guys feel "horney" when they wake up. so looking at these two points what is the write time to work out to you guys? moring when testostron level is high or night when you are awake and warmed up ?

thanks for your time and anwers.