Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

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How to achieve correct nutritional input

Posts: 4
Joined: 2003/02/08
United Kingdom
2003/02/18, 07:18 AM
Hey people,
Ive been training in the gym properly for about 6 months now and have recently joined I seem to have made considerable gains in endurance and muscle mass and I enjoy following the exercise plan given by FT. My main objective is to tone and I know a good diet is the key to that, yet I find maintaining the right nutritional input as the hardest thing to do. I was wondering how people manage it, such as meal planning or writing down what you eat in the day. Any advice is very welcome

Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/02/18, 10:07 AM
You hit it yourself in a nutshell. Meal planning is key. Without it you are doomed to hit and miss. For maximum results from your hard training, diet is essential. Set your calorie amount. Once you get this set, divide it up into your 3 groups, proteins, fats, carbs in your desired ratio. Simply eat this in 5-6 meals per day. You could make up on the weekends for instance a couple dozen chicken breasts, put them in 6 oz.weight sizes in baggies. A big bag of frozen veggies, put them in 2 cup sealed containers like ziploc, bake up 4-5 sweet potatos and do the same. Have meal replacements also. Now when you have to go, just grab one or two of each with a meal replacement, and you have all your nutrition on the go. If you have ever been to a bodybuilding contest/show, you will notice everyone in the audience that is serious, even the judges up front have bags or coolers full of food. These are serious people. They learn to be prepared. You cannot starve your body for any length of time of protein. Once you get a routine down, it is really not too hard to follow it. Keep a log. This also keeps the guesswork out. You really need to EXACTLY what you eat each day. I keep a $1.59 notebook from Wal Mart with me at all times. Hope this helps.

Failing to plan is like planning to fail!
Posts: 4
Joined: 2003/02/08
United Kingdom
2003/02/19, 05:54 AM
Thanks bb1, some great notes to take in. Looks like it there is no magic fix to eating right, but Ill get working on a routine.
Thanks again
Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/04/24
United States
2003/04/29, 11:12 PM
I always count my calories, and I noticed when you write down what you eat and how much you eat daily, it makes a difference and sometimes you won't eat bad food because you have to record it and you recognize your habits, it motivates me to eat better. When I look at my day and what I ate, I feel so much better when the food is healthy, if you are trying to loose weight then decrease calories. I weigh 120 and eat 1100 calories a day, if you are weight training you could probably eat 3000 or so, I know it says how many calories you should consume for your weight on this site somewhere. if you need any help feel free to e-mail me
Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/04/24
United States
2003/04/29, 11:12 PM
I always count my calories, and I noticed when you write down what you eat and how much you eat daily, it makes a difference and sometimes you won't eat bad food because you have to record it and you recognize your habits, it motivates me to eat better. When I look at my day and what I ate, I feel so much better when the food is healthy, if you are trying to loose weight then decrease calories. I weigh 120 and eat 1100 calories a day, if you are weight training you could probably eat 3000 or so, I know it says how many calories you should consume for your weight on this site somewhere. if you need any help feel free to e-mail me
Posts: 1
Joined: 2003/05/30
United States
2003/05/30, 06:30 PM
I am 6' tall, weigh 210 lbs and am trying to lose weight and build muscle. I eat about 2000 calories a day, play baseball 4 days a week, and work out 3 times a week - 10 min treadmill, 20 minutes weights.

This web site says I should be eating about 3200 calories, how will I lose weight if I increase my calories?
Posts: 76
Joined: 2003/05/12
2003/05/31, 04:02 PM
hrguy, 20 minutes of weights doesn't seem like very much to me at all. Are you using the FT routine? If not, you should give it a shot...It'll take you a bit longer but you'll defenitly be feeling it in the morning.

Also, move your cardio to after the workout. I can't recall exactly what it is, but it should be better for both your weights and your cardio. Bump your cardio to an absolute minimum of 15 minutes.

This is what I can help with.
