Group: Health Supplements

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 102, Messages: 16613

Supplements can be a great aid with your health and fitness goals. Combined with the proper exercise and nutritional plan they can be quite effective.

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hair problems

Posts: 42
Joined: 2002/10/31
United States
2002/12/02, 07:22 PM
hi, I dunno but I am having major hair problems. I am 16years old and when I was in 6-8th grade had anorexia and lost some hair. I used to have thick hair but now its very fine. I dunt know what to do.. I am losing alot of hair and it wont really grow back. Could someone help me? I dunt know what I am doing wrong.
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2002/12/02, 08:13 PM
How is your B vitamin intake?

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
Posts: 196
Joined: 2002/11/20
United Kingdom
2002/12/14, 05:25 AM
Due to the hair growth cycle it takes a few months for hair loss due to malnutrition (particularly Vit. B) to either become noticeable or to go away, however the effects are not normally long term. I have quoted a few bits of info and the sites where I got them from in case you want to do further reading. Though I am not sure how long ago the 6-8th grade is if you are 16 now as I’m not from the US. Though if it was several years ago, you are eating correctly now and you are concerned then it might be worth talking to your doctor. – Good luck
Anorexia: Severe malnutrition can cause telogen effluvium, where a high proportion of hair follicles stop their growth cycle to conserve energy, and make a transition into the resting phase. Three to four months later hair is shed by the resting follicles. Severe malnutrition is usually quite evident in a person, and hair loss is usually not he main concern. Severe "fad" diets, and eating disorders such as anorexia norvosa, can produce forms of malnutrition and can also trigger telogen effluvium hair loss. Normal hair growth resumes with adequate nutrition.
The reality of the situation is that if you crash diet for two months and ultimately experience Telogen effluvium hair loss, your hair may not stop falling out until several weeks after you discontinue the dieting. The re-growth cycle for hair lost to TE can last anywhere from 6 to 12 months after the Telogen effluvium related hair loss subsides.
This means that the total hair loss and re-growth cycle can last 6 months, or possibly longer, when induced by physical stress of calorie deprivation.