Group: General Mental Health & Well-being

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 70, Messages: 15

Reaching optimal overall health is an ideal most should strive to attain for a healthy life. There are many mental barriers and obstacles that one deals with daily and must learn to overcome to reach happiness.

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Sticky Let's Strive For Loving Ourselves! - Motivational

Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2016/01/11, 05:08 PM (Edited: Adrian - 2016/01/14, 02:21 AM)
Happy 2016 Members! 

This year,  let's start at the beginning where all our Mental Health and Well Being begins.  Before we can ever began anything that has to do with our well being,  it must start with loving ourselves.  

Being your own worst critic,  mental and verbal abuser, we beat ourselves now than anyone else never could.  That results in our failure,  downfall,  giving up and defeat before w even start to begin our road to future well being.  Before you begin to help others,  hell yourself first.  Just like when you're flying in an airplane and they announce the safety instructions about oxygen masks,  before you help others affix yours first!  This statement is so valid in life!!!! 

Starting today,  I will post daily motivational quotes, pics,  stories and links.  I welcome any and all too share their also,  be it personal success stories,  their favorite sayings,  or if you need motivation,  help to stay on track.  Let's succeed together!  

Bless you!  

(Edited to fix the picture - Adrian)
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2016/01/13, 04:32 PM

Here on Freetrainers, you have this wonderful tool available to you for FREE to track your fitness.  It's calle FLog!  Your fitness log!  Here you can put your daily tracking of your fitness workouts, your food, weight, measurements, etc.!  It is a great way to reflect back and see how you are doing, as well as getting feedback/motivation/encouragement and guidance from other Freetrainers members.  We are all in this together.  So if you haven't started yet, get to it!  We are looking forward to see how you are doing and to help!

- Ravenbeauty
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2016/01/14, 06:43 PM

The start of any positive thing in our life begins with Self Love.  So, love yourself enough today to get up and take that walk, do those in home lunges or ab workout.  Trust me, just a little more of a push and you will make your day better.