Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 968, Messages: 18927

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need some help

Posts: 1
Joined: 2013/08/04
Puerto Rico
2013/08/04, 09:21 PM
Hello i need some help with a routine of excercise... Im 5'11" hight and weight 382. I enrolled on a gym but i only do cardio on the tredmill and nothing else... i need some help with to lose weight fast and healthy. Thanks a lot. im 31 years old
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2013/08/08, 11:55 PM
Fast OR healthy... pick one. You can't do both.

Pick some strength training options.

Eating properly is the most important thing you can do. Reduce sugar, processed foods, soft drinks. Do your homework regarding eating.

Change up routines from time to time. Good training involves surprising your body.

In addition to the treadmill, try a step machine, cross trainer, spin class.

Don't quit. It's a lifestyle change. If you don't approach it that way, you will almost certainly yoyo or outright fail.