Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 968, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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Mr Newbie

Posts: 7
Joined: 2013/05/22
United Kingdom
2013/05/22, 09:02 AM
Hey guys!
I'm Stevie :)

I've decided that it's time to get healthy and stop eating all the nasties.

So to begin I'm 5ft 8"
Weigh about 13st probably 14 now

I'm 22 and have a job that consists of sitting on my bum 3/4 of the work day.
My job is 1pm - 9pm so ideally I want to have a morning daily routine and 2 hard gym sessions on my days off.

So the plan is for me to first loose my gut then put on some muscle and tone.

I'm starting tomorrow so my initial plan is to take a jog and lift some home weights. Is it best to start before or after eating breakfast?

Any other suggestion on what I should be doing? Im a bit lost :(

Thanks in advance
Stevie :)
Posts: 13
Joined: 2009/05/19
United States
2013/05/26, 02:25 AM
People swear by high intensity interval training, and I must admit I find it rather more interesting than a bland jog. :)