Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Just Starting

Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2003/01/18, 03:08 AM
I'm 43 and would like to loss 30Lbs. I have always had trouble with balance Nutrition and could use some advice, and exercise isn't easy because I have a back injury.I am going into surgery
on Feb 20 and would like to loss a some pounds before then I have 1 month. I would also like to build what ever muscle I could before going
Please Help
Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2003/01/18, 03:09 AM
43 female weight is 154 5'5"
Posts: 196
Joined: 2002/11/20
United Kingdom
2003/01/18, 03:56 AM
You know you’re the limits from your injuries more then me, but fat loss will only come with both exercises and a careful diet. As for you’re diet Eat 5-6 times a day, and make them healthy meals, fruit veg. and some source of protein. When you eat large meals the body stores what it dose not need as fat, then is reluctant to relinquish that fat later lowering your metabolism. If you eat or drink (a can of pop or bottle of beer has ~150 calories) before going to bed, your body will just lay down the calories as fat.

If you can cook from scratch, just look at the back of a jar of sauce apart from all the additives there is an amazing amount of fat and sugars added. Also if you cut out lots of fats and sugars you taste will become more attuned and plainer foods will taste better.

Cut of all the fat before cooking, for a psychological boost hold the trimmed of fat and say that one hand full I don’t need to lose before throwing it away. And invest in a good frying pan so you hardly need any oil to cook things (I have got a cast iron Le Creuset pan expensive but very good).

Finally you said you need advice about nutrition, I have given you a list of general things but if this is not what you need you will have to be more specific. Oh and putting some info on your profile will help for this and further posts – hope this helps.