Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 968, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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Just another newbie :)

Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/04/09
Viet Nam
2012/04/09, 10:31 AM
Hello guys! I'm new here. I'm just 16 and my name's Richard, you can call me Rick.  I don't really have problems with weight, i'm 5'11 and 155lb, but I want to tone my body, become lean and healthy because some parts of my body is skinny (like my arms) while the others look chubby (like belly and thighs) and I have a pretty weak endurance (Yeah I can be strong at the first two or three seconds but then became exhausted really fast). Like some of the other members here, i'm pretty new to these things, like, I do know how to do push-ups, I usually do 20~25 of them per day but I don't think it's going to anywhere... I'm afraid I can't take the gym because it's pretty expensive (well, for me at least) so I think I only can do exercises at home after school. I live in a country where rice is a part of your every meal so I also have problem making myself a healthy diet plan...
So is there any advices for me? I really want to improve my physical strength :) Thanks
2012/04/11, 02:02 AM
Hi Mate,

First of you need to decide wether you want to lose the chubbiness and get lean (belly and thighs in your post) or build some muscle (arms in your post). Typically these do not go hand in hand as to tone up and lose some fat you need a calorie deficit while to build muscle you need a calorie surplus but you also need to be eating the right calories.

Reading your post also sounds like endurance is an issue as well as getting access to the correct nutrients. Your endurace will build up over time as long as you train on a regular basis. As for a nutrition plan (Hate the word diet as a diet is short-termed, associated with a lack of food and has the word "die" in it) it is hard to give advice as I do not know what you have avalilable to you or what your specific goals are.

The best way to improve your physical strength is with resistance training working your muscles to failure and increasesing your resistance each time you train that particular muscle group. But you must also remember to rest and recover in between training session and its always a good idea to warm-up, cool-down and stretch. You dont need a gym to do this but you will need some type of equipment. You can use body weight exercises for some muscle groups. e.g. upside down shoulder press.

Anyway let me know what you specific goals are and waht type of food and equipment you have access too if any and ill try to give ya some ideas. By equipment I also mean normal house stuff like chairs, towels or maybe a beam or something you can hang off. So repost or send me a message.


"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible."