Group: Beginners to Exercise

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protein supplements....

Posts: 37
Joined: 2003/01/04
United States
2003/01/07, 11:06 AM
im a newbie and i see so many brands and prices and they are quite costly, but any recommended brands for protein intake. im seekin to gain muscle. also, i heard its better to get protein w/glumatine? is that right? i dont want to spend too much $$ but i do want an effective and "Good-tastin" product. :)
Posts: 51
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2003/01/07, 10:10 PM
EAS makes some good powders, both meal replacements as well as just Simply Whey protein. And yes...if you weight train you definitely need to be supplementing w/ Glutamine.

Glutamine is considered ta be the best amino acid.
It's one of the few aminos that causes extra growth hormone to be released.

And actually, your body needs Glut. just ta maintain proper function of your immune system. When you system doesn't get enough Glut your body then "robs" muscle tissue of glut and then basically your muscle starts ta break down and cell volume decreases.

Most protein powders/meal replacements all "usually" have Glut in them but I don't think it's enough. So I usually have 2 shakes/per day and add in 3 grams of Glut. to my shakes.

The best way to purchase your supplements is on line.
Here's a few good sites ~