Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Are Lower back exercises dangerous???

Posts: 12
Joined: 2002/09/12
2002/12/22, 12:42 PM
Hi everyone,I wanted to know if lower back exercises like Deadlifts,Good Mornings,Straight leg deadlifts etc..dangerous.Cause some people say it is not advicable since it may cause injuries to your spinal cord.If it is dangerous what other exercises can i follow to strenghten my lower back...Thanks guys!!!...

Anything is Possible!!
Posts: 295
Joined: 2002/07/31
United States
2002/12/27, 01:32 AM
People often injure themselves becuase they think they can do much more weight than they actually can with proper form. FORM IS THE KEY. You do them properly and u should not have any problems. Dont be afraid to be taking those 45's off if u cant handle them. Everyone wants to put those big weights on but its not worth risking injuries.
Posts: 389
Joined: 2001/01/25
Saudi Arabia
2002/12/29, 01:47 PM

It does also help to have somebody spot you and wear a belt