Group: Beginners to Exercise

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abs question

Posts: 7
Joined: 2002/10/07
2002/12/15, 08:19 PM
i've been ff my abs program for about 3weeks now and when i checked on my progress chart a while ago, my abs muscles group cannot be selected.. does that mean theres no progress at all?.. i'm sure i've submitted my exercise in the database, do i have to specify the weight used to 0 bcos i dont use any weight in abdominal exercises?..
Posts: 114
Joined: 2003/01/19
2003/02/20, 05:23 PM
You can't really check your progress for any exercise where you use 0 lbs weight. It's just the way the system works. If you use a constant, say 1 or 10 for example it will give you access to the abs section of the progress chart, but your progress will just look like a flat line since you're not actually increasing the weight used.