Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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help please

Posts: 11
Joined: 2002/10/04
United Kingdom
2002/11/26, 06:52 AM
im 60yrs,i started dieting 14 months ago at 251lbs and joined ft a few months ago.Stuck to my programe like glue except sunday now217lbs and31%bfi eat 5/6meals a day 75g carbs 110protien+ a protien drink but im stuck at this weight i also do 10 mins cardio before i train and 40 mins after training 5days a week.meals are fish /fowl and past /rice but i do load up on greens any advice would be greatly appreciated,the reason i limit myself to only uper body weights is to stop my boobs from saging and my quad bypass 10 yrs ago thanks again

Take it easy. But whatever you do, take itNO SURRENDER
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2002/01/09
United States
2002/11/26, 08:25 AM
One thing you might want to try is to cycle your carbs and possibly even dump or cut back on the rice/pasta if you're having them daily. There have been several posts in the last couple of days ref cardio and the opinions are all valid although different. Personally, when I'm wanting to lose weight, I go higher protein/fat (good fats) for 3 or four days then eat "normally" with my carbs consisting of sweet potato, brocolli and green leafy veg's like spinach. I also do very little aerobic type exercise except circuit workouts. Only you know your body type/health but I'm curious as to whether you limit your workouts to upper body due to doctors advice. Your lower body fitness has an awful lot to do with your total body fitness.
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2002/11/26, 04:46 PM
I agree with Mike. I was going to write the same thing about the rice and pasta.
Also if you must eat it, try not to have it after 4pm.
Substitute it with more veggies, or sweet potatoes.
Personaly I don't touch rice bread.
You might also want to try and fool your body and switch the routines around.
Sounds like your doing well! Keep up the good work!

To change it, or to create it, simply train it!

Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 11
Joined: 2002/10/04
United Kingdom
2002/11/27, 05:24 AM
many thanks to both you and mike for prompt replies i dont eat any carbs after 5pm, and no fruit either.i have tunaor salmon open sandwitch on wholemeal for supperat 7-30but i find if i reduce carbs any more i get cold and lethargy set inespecialy when i wake and need to train.i also buk up my meals with greens and baked pottato
i just want to harden my chest to stop me looking like a 90yr old womanlol but its har as an old man starter again thanks for the encouragment and support

Quoting from carivan:

I agree with Mike. I was going to write the same thing about the rice and pasta.
Also if you must eat it, try not to have it after 4pm.
Substitute it with more veggies, or sweet potatoes.
Personaly I don't touch rice bread.
You might also want to try and fool your body and switch the routines around.
Sounds like your doing well! Keep up the good work!


Take it easy. But whatever you do, take it NO SURRENDER