Group: Health Supplements

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 101, Messages: 16613

Supplements can be a great aid with your health and fitness goals. Combined with the proper exercise and nutritional plan they can be quite effective.

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looking for muscle building tips...

Posts: 8
Joined: 2006/09/25
United States
2008/07/11, 01:44 PM
Ok so I have lost a lot of fat and I'm very happy with the way things are going. I can't say that it has been easy getting into shape because it is not easy! I have to kick my butt everyday in my work outs because of the goal I set for myself and I have to say its going great. Anyway I am looking to now build muscle because lets face it who doesn't want to look good with their clothes off lol. :big_smile: But yeah thats whats going on and im looking for some good resources on protein and any advice anyone would have on that topic. I know that buying the powders and stuff are good but which one works better then the other? I have looked at a lot of the powders and stuff at GNC and its all just so confusing and expensive. So does anyone have any advice they are willing to give me on good sources of protein and other tips on building muscle faster? I'm not looking to get HUGE like bodybuilder huge im just looking to add lean muscle so I can stay healthy.


Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2008/07/11, 05:02 PM
You shouldn't rely too heavily on powders and supplements. You'll need to really boost your calorie intake in the cleanest manor possible. You'll want to stay away from those delicious chicken McNuggets, or french fries, and try to get the extra calories from eating more of the healthy foods you eat now. As far as powders go, I'd take a big protein shake post work out, and another before bed. Don't get wrapped up in all of the hype from commercials or muscle mags either. You may also want to try using creatine as well, but aside from those two the waters get pretty muddy from there.
I've actually had really good luck with a product called "Cytogainer". It's not too expensive, and gives you some great post work out nutrition for bulking cycles.
Other than that, just focus on hard work and a clean, high calorie diet and you should get where you want to go.
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2008/07/12, 01:19 AM
l glutamine greatly helps with recovery and superpump 250 helps the intensity of my workouts