Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

Share and offer advice to beginners to the fitness world!

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Heart rate

Posts: 53
Joined: 2001/07/27
United States
2001/08/08, 04:33 AM
Here's the deal... I did my 30minutes of aerobic activity on one of those eliptical running machines today. During the course of that half hour, I found it comppletely impossible to keep my heart rate UNDER 170! Now... is 200-(age) your MAX heart rate, or target heart rate? 200-26=174 which means That I was at this heart rate for the entire workout. Is this good or bad?
I'm trying to trim up... not blow up my heart! :)

Posts: 53
Joined: 2001/07/27
United States
2001/08/10, 04:58 AM
All right... I posted this 2 days ago, and no one's answered. I'm taking it to a different main topic.
