Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Weight Loss???

Posts: 27
Joined: 2001/07/02
United States
2001/07/11, 09:13 AM
I am having a little trouble deciding wether I should be lifting weights or not. I am very overweight (260)and I am a 24 yr. old female. I walk for 45 minutes 5 days a week and work out with weights for an hour and a half 3 times a week. I feel really great. I have lost 10 lbs. in about 5 weeks, but I just started working out with weights 3 times a week this week. My concern is that I am going to bulk up instead of slim down and tone or sculpt. I know that I need some form of resistance training to tighten up the loose skin that has developed from being overweight for so long. Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!
Posts: 144
Joined: 2001/05/27
United States
2001/07/11, 12:26 PM
I would recommend that on your weight lifting days, lift a moderate-lite weight with a high number of reps. For example if you used to do 10 reps with a hundred pounds, then try 20 reps at 65 pounds. this will tone your muscles more than really add to them. Also try Xenadrine, this stuff is great, i used to use it. really helps! -snow
Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2001/07/11, 06:14 PM
You’re not going to bulk up. In the beginning you will notice a great deal of weight loss and then all the sudden you will start gaining weight. Don't Panic because this is to be expected. What is happening is an unbalance of muscle gain and fat loss. Eventually you will lose much fat because the muscle you’re building will require energy. Just stick with it and you will look GREAT! As for lifting weights DO IT! And don't starve yourself just cut back on the junk and skip the 2 serving. A helpful hint: Drink lots of water at least 1 gallon per day. Don't worry you will be able to do that, it may be hard at first but any change in behavior is hard at the beginning. Well, I guess I'm rambling on.

Posts: 27
Joined: 2001/07/02
United States
2001/07/13, 07:51 AM
Thanks for all the great support!!
Posts: 266
Joined: 2001/06/25
United States
2001/07/13, 09:09 AM
I agree with billk. Keep pumping? If you gain from it, then it is a good gain which in turn will lead to a good loss...fat. Keep up the great work and lift away. Don't forget to eat appropriately eighter. I know from experience that you feel like you should cut back on eating if you are trying to lose weight...that is wrong. I lost more when I did eat (sensibly). I fight with my food intake and have noticed much better results when I eat right 6 times a day. It hard but you can do it. Just keep track of it on the nutriental portion of ft. Good Luck to you and you can do it!
Posts: 27
Joined: 2001/07/02
United States
2001/07/16, 08:48 AM
hey guys I have a question for you nutritionist has me on a 1900 calorie diet, but I do not count the calories because I am eating from the food pyramid that she gave me. I am allowed 2 meats, 8 carbs, 2 milks, 10 fats, 4 fruits, and 4 veg.. My question is do you think that this is enough to feed my body? At times I feel as if it is too much because I can only find time to eat three meals a day, and it constantly feels as if I am overeating!!! I am trying to do things right this time around because I have failed so many times...I guess I am a little scarred to fail again with fear that I will give up and never try to loose the weight again. Well I really appreciate the input. I could use all the support greatly. Thanks!!
Posts: 389
Joined: 2001/01/25
Saudi Arabia
2001/07/24, 05:20 PM

the nutritionist probably knows better than any of us. It looks alright to me and you should stick with what she plans for you. fats are found mostly in diary foods especially cheese (so whatch out!), milk (so you might wana go 4 the low fat or 1% ones) and butter. Meats also contain fat, but poultry and fish contain much less fat than red meat. Go for lean cuts of red meat and skin-less chicken. In fish, the fats are unsaturated (good fat) so its actually a good source of protien as well as eggs and whey or soy protien.

As far as the training goes, keep up the great work. cardio burns of the fat and weight training transforms what's left from the fat to muscle giving that toned nice look everybody is striving for. my opinion whould be to go for light weight, high reps and 2 sets sound just right.