Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 38, Messages: 16459

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Deadlift Noob

Posts: 123
Joined: 2006/06/12
United States
2007/12/30, 10:25 PM
After buying an olympic weight set I finally decided to try out the Deadlift. This is something that i've been wanting to do for a while now. I kind of kicked around with it last monday after I finished up my back day. I did 3 sets of 3 just to test the waters. Thursday I did

2 warmup sets with 5 reps

then i started with

1x1(had to max out)

Do most people Deadlift and Squat in the same week?

I did Stiff legged Deadlifts Will they help catch my hamstrings up with my quads?

Is this a decent set and rep scheme?

Am I supposed to hurt from my knees to my neck?
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2007/12/31, 12:20 PM
Some people train dead and squat in the same week, some don't. I think it comes down to work capacity and limit strength level, as well as intensity level. The common factor among people that do both in the same week seems to be that they aren't maxing on both movements in the same week. You could try a 3*5 for squat, and then max on the deadlift later in the week, or go heavy on the squat and do speed pulls later on. I think that after you get proficient at the movement you'll find it beats you up a lot.

SLDL is a great hamstring movement. One of my favorites. Catching up will just be a question of getting in more volume on hamstring dominant movements.

As for your rep scheme, it's fine for your first day. You definitely got a good deal of volume, though I'd recommend not doing a good deal of volume and THEN going for a max. When maxing, and especially in the deadlift, you don't want to be fatigued before hand. In the future, if you wanted to do a heavy single, work up to that, then back down and do some reps afterwards. Also, be careful with high rep deads.

Welcome to the brotherhood.

SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk
Posts: 123
Joined: 2006/06/12
United States
2008/01/02, 01:58 AM
I thought it would be pretty tough to train both hard each week. I like the idea of heavy with one and slacking off with the other then switching up. Sounds like a plan.

I was a little nervous about this exercise and wanted to get comfortable before I tried to go too heavy. I didnt plan to do the single but couldn't resist. Which set do you suggest going for a 1rm?
Posts: 973
Joined: 2004/07/22
United States
2008/01/02, 09:39 AM
Everyone is a little different, but I like to start with something like 20-30%. I will do 3 reps for each set until I hit about 70-80%. Then I would do singles. I increase the weight by roughly 10% each set.

So if I was going go for 405, I would probably do something like this.

315x1 - I might do 2 reps here.
Posts: 123
Joined: 2006/06/12
United States
2008/01/02, 08:30 PM
I'll give that a try. Thanks alot