Group: Under 25 Club

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school lunch? :3

Posts: 7
Joined: 2006/04/04
United States
2006/04/05, 09:51 PM
One of the reasons America is getting fatter may be the junk they serve in school lunches xP Pretzels, old, oily pizza, and macaroni + nacho cheese sauce :(

So, I want to start bringing my own packed lunch to school =3 Does anyone havve any good ideas of what to pack? n.n
Posts: 1,299
Joined: 2003/09/23
United States
2006/04/05, 11:17 PM
First off, it's very nice to hear a 13yr old saying she wants to pack healthy lunch. With that being said, try and just be sensible with it, maybe tuna(in water), a little celery or broccoli. If you visit the specific diet and nutrition forum and read "grocery list for healthy eating" it lists all kinds of healthy food choices across the board so you can more easily pick things more to your liking. Check it out and again, props to you for being health conscious at 13. That's great. welcome to the site!

Hungry and mean!
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Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2006/04/06, 01:20 PM
Turkey meat....or chciken breast strips....put some honey mustard in there...maybe some jello, some of those harvest chips. Peanut butter and jelly or honey if you prefer. Get some milk from the school to go the the peanut butter( cause you have to have milk with a pb&j sandwich)

Carrots sticks , cut up apples, oranges....good thing abotu the "hard friuts" if you eat them last, they kinda clean your teeth too..


Get your bicep curling, cut off shirt, matching workout outfit wearing,flexing in mirror "toned" wanna-be ass , out of my squat rack!

People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2006/04/06, 02:02 PM
Another handy thing to have on hand is a small thermos. I have the silver aluminum ones for my kids (12 and 15) and they have a hot lunch everyday. I make pasta dishes, teryaki chicken with rice, low fat nutritious soups, anything that needs to be kept warm. The nice thing about the aluminum ones is there is no glass to break and the opening is large enough to eat straight from the thermos. It also fits easily into a lunch bag. I usually throw in a bag of veggies, a juice box or water bottle, a piece of fruit and a treat (rice crispy square, harvest chips, or something not horribly bad) My kids aren't big sandwich eaters so the thermos has worked out great!

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
Posts: 7
Joined: 2006/04/04
United States
2006/04/06, 08:16 PM
Thanks for the great ideas, these helped a lot! :)

The only bad thing about hard fruit is that I wear braces, so those aren't gonna work for me. The thermos idea is really helpful, I think I'll go out and get one ;D
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2006/04/07, 10:18 AM
Just some info...the aluminum thermos is a lot more expensive than the regular ones which have glass...but worth the money. I can't tell you how many of the regular ones I went thru with the inner glass always breaking. The aluminum ones won't break and can easily go into the dishwasher. Well worth the extra money IMO!!! BTW...both my kids have braces as well, actually my eldest just got them off and my youngest just got them on:)
Posts: 7
Joined: 2006/04/04
United States
2006/04/08, 11:08 PM
Cool! :D Okay, I'll be sure to look for the aluminum :)