Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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bored with deadlifts

Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/06/21, 06:42 PM
hate to say it but I feel burnt out on them. The other day I did 345 which is an easy 5 reps for me but it felt like 500lbs, so I put the bar up thinking my back just needed the rest. So I did a few sets of partials in a rack. And did some back hypers. I'm gonna take about 3 days off till about thursday and see waht happends and maybe switch over to a 3 day work out week haven't decided yet.
Any suggestion on getting past this burn out stage? I was adding 10lbs a week to my deadlift just then stoped and I started losing strength. So i'm open to anything new lol

.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
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Posts: 426
Joined: 2003/12/08
2004/06/22, 04:20 AM
takin our past and considering half the guys on this forum wouldn't care about taking any advice or wordings i say ill say something anyway for the sack of allowing me to feel that ive done good... anyway if you feel that burnt out just take a week or two off completly and then start a all new program sometimes you can take a certain amount of days off and think youve fully recovered only to see next time you come back you cant quite lift as much, you just gotta give an extra few more days on top of when you think you've fully recovered, anyway today for me was leg, calfs abs and lower back day sorta thing and i felt to tired to even do a squat wif light weight on it so i thought id give today a miss, reason been was that i was basically runny today 10 hour day with non stop digging and pulling cable and that cable over a 200 metre distance even can weigh a tone but other than that sometimes i feel to tired or cant b stuffed to lift if i aint eaten enough even carbs or good fats can help you did you up your diet considering your lifting more weight? i heard for every pound of muscle your body needs an extra 50 or so calories a day.. anyway just my 2 cents if anything here can make help or sense ..
Posts: 426
Joined: 2003/12/08
2004/06/22, 04:25 AM
I say rest and recovery is the most important thing of all things, "you grow outside of the gym" thought i would give today a miss also on the fact if i felt that tired and burnt out alrdy i would have prolly been sacrificing some muscle just to feel good in myself that i did my day.. its better to sacifice a day sometimes even if you feel bad then to sacifice your burnt out muscle to do that day...
Posts: 346
Joined: 2004/01/18
2004/06/22, 09:37 AM
Time for a rest for a few days, maybe a week. When you get back, try a change up for a couple weeks such as high rep routines and such - then back to the heavier stuff. Keep those muscles guessing what their insane master is going to do to them next.
Posts: 1,621
Joined: 2003/09/30
United States
2004/06/22, 10:03 AM
I have been doing movements to strengthen the dead lift with out doing them hypers reverse hypers,good morning's,glut ham raises. Stuff like that the dead is a great lift but can become tire some.

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Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2004/06/22, 01:06 PM
The deadlift is an easy excercise to overtrain on. When you talk about only taking 3 days off, do you mean that you dl every 3 days or less. The dl should only be done about once a week, other than maybe rack deadlifts. Some even recommend eliminating the dl completely from your routine. However, i kno judging by your previous posts Andrew that the dl is a favorite lift of your, as it is mine. I couldnt imagine not deadlifting, but try and take at least a week off

\"I get up in the morning around six to run for about an hour. Later in the day, I lift with a partner. Following my lifting sessions, I usually do speed and agility drills. Later, I drill all my holds and moves.\"
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United States
2004/06/22, 01:08 PM
Heres an article I read on the Deadlift an how its so easy to overtrain. It made some good points, but I'm still going to continue to train my deadlift anyway. Im young, and recover fast, so ive never had a problem.
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/06/22, 03:23 PM
I deadlift once a week wrestler.......every monday is back day this is when I do deadlifts. Last time I worked out was this past sun, i'm gonna not do anything for 3 solid days the go back to gym and do chest and legs........skip deads for that week and see what happens. Its liek all of a sudden. My shoulders wher egetting stornger, then they plateau'ed then my legs, then my lower back. But my chest still feels strong lol......crazy, guess thats really the only thing deads don't really work well lol.

.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened
......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn

Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2004/06/27, 06:36 PM
Yeah, the time off from deadlifting is probably a good idea. I always take time off whenever I start to plateau, and I've noticed that I always break records the week I come back. Let us know how it works out.

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