• United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22

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....wrapping up week 3

Posted on: 2007/07/28, 11:11 AM by: howdiekat

i managed to stay on my split schedule despite being on vacation. the diet suffered, but i didn't gain any weight. in fact, i probably lost weight, but i'm retaining water right now so who knows.

lifting has been going well ... i don't feel as weak as i did at the start of the program, but i'm still a long, long way from where i want to be.

definition in my limbs is developing really quickly, especially in my calves. that can probably be chalked up to the amount of uphill running i'm doing. at any rate, they look very nice.

speaking of running, i did the same interval split i did last week, doing speed on monday, tuesday and thursday and inclines on saturday.

abs are also feeling stronger, although it's going to be a long time before they're showing like they used to. that's more incentive for me to control my stress. i think being on vacation helped, even though i did have a very stressful car wash experience while i was in ft. worth. it's all about relaxing.

week 2 weight: 189.1
week 3 weight: 189.1 (it's water, i swear.)
