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  • Female
  • 45 years old
  • Joined: 2012/03/21
  • United States United States
  • Female
  • 45 years old
  • Joined: 2012/03/21

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why continue harming our body?

Posted on: 2012/03/25, 08:56 AM by: levans3
I think most of us who are constantly dieting know what we need to do. We know what is bad for our body, we know what our body needs. So why do we do it? Why can't we say no to that soda, candy bar or all-you-can-eat meal? Why can't we stick to a healthy routine of exercising and eating foods that actually nourishes are body?
  I know that for me it is so easy for me to push aside that warning in my head, or make excuses or justifications as to why I need that candy bar. I get rewarded immediately once I put that sweet, creamy chocolate bar in my mouth. I feel pleasure and happiness, I feel like I have more energy and the consequences are easily dis-regarded, since the immediate negative affect is not there.
  Well, the day after I started my "diet" I failed, so instead of RESTARTING, which I did often in the past when I failed... I'm just going to continue where I left off. So technically I didn't fail. :) YA!!!
Today I'm going to start my 2nd goal and am going to stick with it for a whole week.
Goal #1)  Make a diet and exercise plan, return to a healthy weight of 125-130 lbs
Goal #2.) Cut sugar out of my diet.  Substitute loss energy and pleasure that sugar provided me, by Exercising and drinking coffee.
                  Reason why I'm cutting out sugar: I know that sugar increases insulin which is a fat-producing hormone. Sugar also has  a  drug-like affect causing beta-endorphin to rush into the brain, stimulating the production of morphine-like  chemicals. (that's why I feel pleasure and happiness, after I eat a yummy, mound bar or something with creamy caramel in it.Mm-mm!!) 
I can do it for 1 week.


  • levans3 levans3 2012/03/27
    I was kind of romancing the candy bar, huh? :) I should start eating sweet potatoes again, and you are right... they are good! and yes I do know that corn does not have much nutrition in it. Thanks for the comment.
  • [Former member] 2012/03/25
    Kiddo, stop romancing the candy bar ;~) I'm half kidding but you need to change your thinking. I get great pleasure out of cottage cheese and walnuts along with protein and omega 3s. Participate in the groups. Encouraging others helps you to encourage yourself. Did you know that a sweet potato is one of the best vegetables to add to your diet and corn is among the worst? It's good to see you posting to your flog. Keep going.