• United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22

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program finished

Posted on: 2007/09/07, 04:04 PM by: howdiekat

well, i finished my 8-week FT program today without missing a workout. add to that the week before when i was doing whatever i felt like doing and that's working out 4 times a week for 9 weeks without missing once. i know that's pretty routine for most who are doing these journals, and it used to be routine for me, but it's taken a lot for me to get back to this point and i have to say i'm really proud of myself.

the improvement i've seen over the last two months has been amazing. my clothes fit better, my mind is clearer and my neck and back problems have suddenly gone away.

today, out of nowhere, i got the impulse to drop and give myself 20. again, not that big of a deal, but i had gotten so weak that in march, i could barely do 5. (note: that's full push-ups, not from the knees. i can do those forever.)

my point is, i haven't felt this good about my physical health in about 2 years.

&lt;b&gt;up next:&lt;/b&gt; i'm going to do 4 weeks of supersets and waveloading. i've got a list of exercises i'm going to combine, i'm just trying to find the right formula. i'm doing a lot of research to keep myself from overtraining in all of my rediscovered eagerness.

i'm targeting most of my shoulder work during the next phase toward improving my tennis game. about 3/4 of it will be done on the stability ball so i can work on core strength while i'm at it. i have got to get more control of my body's rotation, especially for the sake of my backhand, which might as well not exist. the explosive nature of the game also continues to help my cardiovascular fitness, which is just fabulous, because i hate that damned bike.

i'll start posting my workouts in here because otherwise i won't have a record of them. but everyone has to promise not to laugh at my numbers, especially since most of you know what they used to be :/
