• United States United States
  • Female
  • 54 years old
  • Joined: 2002/09/24
  • United States United States
  • Female
  • 54 years old
  • Joined: 2002/09/24

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Monday 3/19/07 - Still Dragging On..

Posted on: 2007/03/19, 02:06 PM by: Ravenbeauty
Well I went into the doctors this morning because yep, I am still sick. I have viral bronchitis (kinda sounds like a dinosaur..lol)and will be out still for the next few days. I haven't been able to get any exercising in, but did have a chance to go to my old stomping grounds in Cle Elum and recollect all my memories of that town on Saturday morning on my way back from visiting with a great friend Friday night.

I realized that I truly do miss that place, it was where I was at my happiest up here in Washington State..in love, with family and pets and living the life. I took photos of our old house, a little cafe we used to eat at there all the time, the only and local theater that looked more like the whorehouse from "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas" Flick and a couple of other things. I sent them to Doug (Ravenwolf) thought he would appreciate seeing them and remembering the memories we had. I had to sit and ask myself how come I couldn't get back to this place when RW and I were struggling so hard at our marriage before we divorced. The answer was plain and simple I guess, it wasn't meant to be. It was great to go back there and see everything , stopped in and said hi to a couple of acquaintances and drank some coffee and back home it was.

OKay, enough of my let's take a walk down memory lane letter. I am going to try my damndest to get this thing over with so I can get back on track with the Competition,because I know that Freedom is right on my tail!!!
