• United States United States
  • Female
  • 53 years old
  • Joined: 2003/01/07
  • United States United States
  • Female
  • 53 years old
  • Joined: 2003/01/07

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Posted on: 2007/05/12, 08:38 AM by: asimmer
Saturday is LEG Day! friday was housecleaning day, so my arms training didn't happen (having 2 birthday parties this weekend, did a full cleaning, got a workout)

I am pleased with the workout:

Warm-up - elliptical 5 minutes and 2 sets light squats.

Squat 135x10, 145X10, 155X8
Leg press 360X10, 360X10, 410X8 and it was not horrible :)
Leg ext 120X12, 120X12, 140X10
lying leg curl (Db on decline) 3 sets 35X12
standing calf raise 3 sets 110X15
seated calf raise 3 sets 70X15

This morning instead of drinking a shake pre-workout, I just sipped it on the way and during the workout, this seems to have worked better - no burping up or nausea. I also left out the oil, just had whey and creatine in it. I will do the oil later in the day on my veggies.
