• United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22

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chest & shoulders supersets, stability, plyos - 7/13

Posted on: 2008/07/13, 04:14 PM by: howdiekat

superset 1
static db bench:
3 x 12 x 25s
single-arm lateral db raises w/green band:
3 x 12 x 5s

superset 2
static db incline bench:
3 x 12 x 25s
db shrugs w/green band:
3 x 12 x 25s

incline db flyes:
3 x 12 x 12.5s (done very, very slowly)

internal/external rotation (no rest)
3 x 12 x 5, each arm, each movement

dead bugs on foam roll w/balance pad:

dead bugs on foam roll:

leg raises w/4-lb medicine ball overhead lifts:
2 x 10

lunging chest passes w/8-lb medicine ball:
3 x 10 each leg

box jumps:
3 x 20

single leg lateral line jumps:
3 x 20 each leg

lateral line jumps:
3 x 20

2 x 6 full-court

biked to and from gym. plyos and sprints were plenty of cardio.
