• United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22
  • United States United States
  • Male
  • 41 years old
  • Joined: 2003/05/22

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chest, shoulders & stability; body fat checkup - 7/24

Posted on: 2008/07/24, 07:09 PM by: howdiekat

today i rode my bike to the gym in the leftovers from hurricane dolly. i had to ask for multiple towels when i checked in, which they laughingly obliged.

i also had my body fat done today just to see where it was. i honestly thought it was going to be 30%, but surprisingly it was 25%. while that's nowhere near as low as i would like it to be, it feels good knowing that i don't have as far to go to get to my goal. yay.

chest/shoulder supersets

superset 1
flat bench bb press:
8 x 85, 10 x 75, 9 x 95
single-arm lateral raises w/green band:
3 x 10 x 7.5

superset 2
super incline hammer press:
10 x 61, 8 x 61, 7 x 61
bb shrugs:
3 x 10 x 70

superset 3
cable crossovers:
3 x 10 x 20
internal/external rotation w/green band:
3 x 10 each side/movement

dead bugs on foam roll:
2 x 10

alternating supermans on stability ball:
2 x 10

stretching, then home.

and for those who are nba fans, shane battier was touring my gym today. that was cool. go duke.
