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I'm going on

Posted on: 2012/02/24, 05:56 AM by: Teensy
Did my jog again, 40 minutes this time, my knee decided to be a good girl  today so thankyou knee!!  Also did my at home training session and i managed to get my 10 year old to do a workout with me ( obviously not the same workout )  so hats off to you my baby, GREAT JOB!!  mummy will be on to you again tomorrow, i'ts more fun when you do it with me!  Started the day with...... Ok! yes i did have a coffee, but i did eat breaky, 1 wheat biscuit with half a banana and low fat milk, considering i have'nt eaten breakfast in years this was big for me! but i forced it down and i'm glad i did, ate some fruit after my run and......... lets just say i'm in for a big workout tomorrow cause i got a bit naughty.........Ok  i'll be truthful and with my hands over my face in shame i'll say it, i ate a cheese burger!  Don't ask me why   cause i don't even like mcdonalds but i was there and it happened , ok, so lets just move on from this, call it a learning experience, and i don't ever want to see the word cheese burger on your flog again Bettina you are a naughty naughty girl!!!


  • kchuskey kchuskey 2012/02/24
    Great job Bettina! Keep it up! Maybe minus the cheese burgers though... :P lol