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I wish I could count....

Posted on: 2004/09/30, 10:22 PM by: yadmit
Okay... so math isn't my strong point...

I use free weights, and I thought I'd counted everything correctly.. double checked... triple checked... apparently I forgot to add the bar... duh...

Deadlifts: 10x130/10x150/8x180/6x230 (personal best... only because I forgot to add the bar.. it was 20 pounds heavier than I counted and it sure as hell felt like it)...

Bent Over DB Rows: 10x20/10x40/8x50/8x60

This is all I did tonight as I've had a nagging pain in the side for a couple of days... figure I'll rest the back and possibly shoulders for a while to see if the break makes any difference...

Now I'm off to learn how to count...


  • fryer91 fryer91 2004/10/01
    Good job Tim, and Congrats on the PB. Keep it up!