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First day

Posted on: 2012/01/03, 11:58 AM by: CosmicWitch
Today's the first day of me trying to get into shape, again. I tried two years ago and was actually doing well until I ended up getting sick due to lack of nutrition. So I stopped. When I stopped, I ended up developing a gall bladder problem and got sick when ever I ate certain foods. Eventually it landed me in the hospital and I had to have it removed. I've been pretty lazy about it since and will admit that I've used excuses like "It's just my thyroid" or "My metabolism's really slow" or "There's nothing else to eat here except for this junk." 

Well now I finally decided that I have to live for me. Going to be graduating soon and I need to look my best there's no more time for excuses I just have to haul ass, and get in gear. It's already bad enough that diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, and thyroid all run in my family. I really suffer from hypothyroidism, but I can't let that stand in my way. I have a lot going for me and I know it. I'm and a student and I try my best at everything that I do. My fitness and health should be one of them.

I've already started logging the day's meals. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to add in actual exercising.

Wish me luck,



  • CosmicWitch CosmicWitch 2012/01/03
    Thank you :D
  • Ravenbeauty Ravenbeauty 2012/01/03
    Hi CW, Congrats on starting. I myself have hypothyroidism and although it is twice the work to keep in shape,it can be done! Good luck!