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Day 5

Posted on: 2013/10/22, 10:13 PM
After beating myself up last night I decided to kick back into gear, a couple of days break isn't as bad as stopping completely. I started reading Tony Horton's book 'Bring It!', which is actually an entertaining read and really motivating to get started. Also picked up Jilian Michael's 30 Day Shred, might get into that sometime this week.
I've started a food diary (something I didn't do last week) so that I am more self conscious of my food and keeping better track of how much everything really costs me in calories. Fasting today, picked up some healthy snacks/food options (mostly fruit, and some sesame seed snacks) in case I do get desperate for a snack. Still have a good 300 calories left in the day so I feel like I can be flexible with whatever dad cooks up for dinner.
Picked up my pushups where I left off, doing a couple extra and clocking in at 30. I can feel how easier they are getting now as my body recovers. Also went for an hour's brisk walk, running some errands and taking the long way 'round. 
Also a shoutout to bdattel, thanks for supporting me :)



  • bdattel bdattel 2013/10/24
    Your very welcome. Your doing great, keep up the good work.:)