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Posted on: 2003/12/29, 06:17 PM by: bb1fit

Standing Olympic bar curls(last set static strip 45 sec.)
Sets...85x12,95x10,100x8, My goal was a certain rep range, which I for the most part reached, 12,10,8,10

Incline bench dumbbell curls(hold peak contraction on last rep of each set)..again, a rep goal of 12,10,8,10

Incline dumbbell curls(seated)...here I was going for a bit more weight, with a strip set for the last set. Great peak work.


Power rack extensions(static contraction on last rep)and last set strip set.

Behind the back dips

One arm dumbbell extensions(never thought much of these, but wanted to try a bit different angle. Didn't really do much I don't think)

Upper cable pressdowns(using V bar, last set with cambered bar and triple drop set)had a rep goal of 12,10,8,12

Reverse upper cable pressdowns switching from cambered bar to straight bar


Superset with ez curl bar reverse wrist curls and standard wrist curls. This is finish reps with ez curl bar wide, immediately flip the bar over and do close wrist curls. Was going for a rep range of 20,15,12

Great arm pump today, both biceps and triceps. Definitely a cutoff shirt day!! LOL...


  • bb1fit bb1fit 2003/12/31
    Sorry charlie, hit the wrong button and accidently deleted your question. Static strip sets are done in this manner, do a weight you fail at at a certain rep range, upon failure, strip off 20% for example, and hold the weight in the contracted postion for a count of 30. This is an isometric contraction, and will burn the bodypart like crazy. I am doing them here on biceps to emphasize biceps peak.
  • bb1fit bb1fit 2003/12/29
    Oh, and today was weigh in day. Reached my 4 th week goal of one more lb. weight loss. Fantastic, 1 lb. per week, right on schedule. Veins are showing well, abs are getting much more pronounced. The "valleys" are starting to come in. Really pleased with progress.