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Another day down

Posted on: 2004/01/07, 12:10 PM by: triciakent
Yesterdays workout was awesome. I received my latest issue of M & F Hers and followed the back routine, really worked it, feel it today. And then I did there Eliptical/Calistenics (spelling??) workout, felt kind of foolish at first but it really kicked me. I did 5 minutes warm up, level 7...5 minutes moderate level 10 and then 30 seconds of either pushups or jumping jacks and repeated the 5 moderate and 30 seconds of pushups or jumping jacks, did it for a total of 5 times w/ a 2 minute cooldown.

Angled Pulldown: 70/10, 80/10, 80/10
ONe arm db row each side: 20/10, 25/8, 25/8, 25/8
Smith include pull up: 8, 8, 10, 8
one arm seated cable row: 30/8, 30/8, 30/8, 30/8

Today will be doing shoulders, legs and HIIT for only about 10 - 15 minutes w/ 30 sec intensity and either 15 or 30 sec cool down.


  • triciakent triciakent 2004/01/07
    Today did: Leg press feet close together down low: 90 lbs (not including bar weight) 4 sets of 15 Leg press feet high shoulder width: 4 sets 15 Leg press feet wide, toes out: 4 sets 15 Squats: 115/12, 135/10, 135/10, 135/15 Shoulders: Front barbell raise super of lat raises: 20/10 5/10 20/10 10/8 20/87 5.8 Machine Presses super of inner and outer 35/10 35/10 35/8 35/8 40/8 40/8 Elliptical: 5 minutes warm up level 5 30 seconds sprints/30 second cool down 10 minutes 5 minute cool down