Group: Under 25 Club

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Weigh training for Karate

Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/04/15
2007/04/15, 01:45 PM
I recently joined for karate(the style is kyokushin).when I asked my Karate master that can I do weight training along with karate, he said to me that bulky muscles would slow down ones body and if a martial artist has no speed then he is good for nothing.I am asking to all the people of the freetrainers community to help me with their knowledge on this subject.I want to know that is there any way that one could combine martial arts and weight training?.If yes then in what way one must train?.Please help me guys.Bodybuilding is my passion and I like martial arts very much.So I cant drop any of them.
Posts: 717
Joined: 2006/04/22
United States
2007/04/15, 03:10 PM
A lot of serious martial artists weight train to help them with the sport. My bf has been a karate master for over 35 years and he used to weight train intensely. He is one of those genetically gifted freaks that bulks up when he just thinks really hard about weight training (okay, a slight exaggeration), and he yet he was known for moving extremely fast. Even at 47 he still moves very quickly. But then, he is a genetically gifted freak. And his training was specifically geared toward improving his karate performance.
Posts: 37
Joined: 2007/03/30
United States
2007/04/15, 09:36 PM
Ok first of all you are NOT going to go to sleep one day and wake up suddenly bulky. If muscle gain was that easy I would be extremely happy. Muscle growth takes time and you can control how much you want to put on. Secondly, just because your master knows alot about karate doesn't mean he knows anything about weight training. I practice Sanchin Ryu Karate and if you train the right way it can help your martial art. msmogreen is right, many martial artists weight train. I have even seen dojos with weight training gear.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/04/15
2007/04/16, 06:37 AM
ok.Thankyou for your reply guys, but I still have a doubt remaining.In what way must I train inorder to improve my performance in karate.What must be the amount of weight, the number of sets, the number of reps that I must do inorder to become more fast and strong.
Posts: 717
Joined: 2006/04/22
United States
2007/04/16, 11:57 AM
You might want to look for books online or at the bookstore. I know when browsing the weight training section of the bookstore I've seen lots of sports specific weight training books. I'm sure they have something for karate as well. I can ask my bf and see if he has any suggestions.
Posts: 37
Joined: 2007/03/30
United States
2007/04/16, 01:27 PM
Yes, there are books designed specifically for training in martial arts. I saw three of them at Barnes and Nobles the other day. I own one called... Ummm, I forget what it's called. To be honest I am currently just trying to lose fat. Don't get to hung up on specifics for martial arts. Any strength training is going to be helpful. Figure out what your goals are first, do you want general strength, endurance, explosive power?
2007/04/17, 03:52 PM
check out a website geared for martial arts. GO to the S/P forum of the site.

Generally you want to focus on big compound exercises for low reps and heavy weight. Things like squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, weighted chins/dips, etc... for reps of 1-5...

Proper heavy lifting will make you stronger, more powerful, and generally more athletic. The flexibility/balance/etc will improve if you lift properly through full range of motion. however to get most benefit in those areas u must do flexibility/balance/plyo/etc drills/exercises separately as well to improve those qualities....
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/04/15
2007/04/18, 09:08 AM
Thankyou very much msmogreen,pcorey and menace3000 for helping me through your replies.Your replies were truly valuable and informative.I am going to check out the site that you mentioned menace3000.May god bless you all.Take care.