Group: Specific Diets & Nutrition

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 104, Messages: 22775

With so many diets and nutritional plans out there, you can get lost. Find out what works best for others and share your experiences!

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Holiday eating

Posts: 2
Joined: 2001/11/10
United States
2000/12/21, 03:51 PM
Hi, Im kind of new to the whole diet scene. I try to watch the calories as well as the amount of protein and carbs (and, of course, fat). I'm trying to eat enough to lose weight with aerobics, but maintain muscle mass with loads of protein. With the holidays coming right around the corner, what would be good to eat? I love turkey and thats probably what we will have. But, I also love the dressing, the gravy, and everything else served with it. I could use a little advise please.
Posts: 411
Joined: 2000/12/26
2000/12/21, 09:29 PM
Eat all the turkey you can :) Don't under-eat, but overeating for a short period of time is not TOO bad. What is bad is an unhealthy lifestyle where you always wat too much or too little. Small fluctuations in a healthy lifestyle is not a problem. I believe Barry Sears (the author of the Zone books) wrote that your metabolism can be adjusted with every meal that you eat, so the minute you start eating healthy, your metabolism speeds up. Meaning, eating bad for a week will not affect you two weeks from now. I don't know if it's true, but it sure feels reassuring sometimes :)
Posts: 39
Joined: 2000/12/15
United States
2000/12/30, 10:59 AM
Hello Drew,

Well, my belief is knowledge is power, with that in mind I wish to direct you to a good book that may help in you dietary goals: “Bodystat” by Eric Witt, Ph.D. and Carol Wirth. Published by Penguin Books
This book will tell you what are good foods to eat, and which foods to stay away from. While being able to eat sufficent amounts to keep going.

After all, food is fuel, if you don't keep fuel in your car, it stops running, same with the human body.

Three events take place during the holiday season which lead us to stray from good eating habits, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

Its o.k. to take a break from our diets on these three days (I believe that it is o.k. to break the rules every so often no matter) If you follow your diet most times, then you are allowed that extra treat.

Letting ourselves enjoy those "forbidden" foods once in a while makes it easier to maintain our dietary goals.

I urge you to read this book, and find others to read. Compare what they all say, try some different diets.

However, use common sense: Any diet that calls for starvation (not eating enough and leaving you hungry) is not a good diet. Hunger is our bodies way of reminding us that we need fuel.

Any diet that says you can lose a lot of weight in a short time isn't good either. We gain weight slowly (unless there are medical conditions or if we eat much more than we should) So expect a bit of time to lose that weight.

Further, any diet that ignores or tells you to eat no Carbs, no fat, no what ever, isn't good. Our body needs a little of everything.

I say enjoy those holiday meals, and even enjoy a few cookies everyday during this season. But, once the New Year starts, buckle down and return to your diet.

If you gain a couple of pounds - Don't panic! remember, you will lose it again, and there is several months left before one wears more revealing clothes. There is no rush to get fit and trim. Cheers
Posts: 31
Joined: 2000/12/21
United States
2000/12/30, 04:04 PM
Hi drew
you should only count calories in big portions but to lose weight you must must workk out with weights but i prefer carido for two hours to burn the fat you ate