Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

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Help I pulled a muscle

Posts: 153
Joined: 2003/05/13
United States
2003/11/12, 04:45 PM
I got a new program yesterday and was excited. To boost my very slow metabolism my PT added some mild polymetrics with a step to my workout. Well I was doing ok when boing I pulled the muscle in my back calf. Did it ever hurt!!! and I couldn't walk. Went home and put moist heat to it all nite and today it is much better. I can even walk steps at work. Question. What is the perscribed treatment for a pulled muscle? I never did this before. I was always reluctant to try any jumping because of this and looked what happened to me. I am such a scholmozzol big time. When do I try again? With some pain or no pain whatsoever? Dumb questions but I never did this before. I am having so many setbacks lately and am very discouraged but I want to try this again as I really need a boost in this plateau I have been experiencing.
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/11/12, 05:17 PM
OK since you won't be training you can come and coach me!!
Sorry to hear of this little set back. I would defiantely be icing it, and as it starts to feel better, try doing very light leg curls, like 5-10lbs. small sets. Don't rush it, and you will be ok. Good thing it wasn't your hamstring.
Take care.

"A will finds a way"
Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 308
Joined: 2003/11/08
United States
2003/11/12, 09:41 PM
carivan is right. heating it works as a pain reliever, but ice is what will actually heal it. wait until the pain isn't as bad, then start MILDLY stretching it. do not rush it, but do some stretching. For example, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and put the toe of your injured leg back to about the heal of your healthy legs foot, keeping your heel on the ground. Slowly over time try to mover the hurt leg farther back.(not right away) I am a college football player and pulled 3 hamstrings last year, and the stretching does help it heal faster.
Posts: 153
Joined: 2003/05/13
United States
2003/11/13, 09:41 PM
Thanks guys. I did that and feel better already. Today I did my new workout and could do it although it is a killer. Thanks.