Group: Daily / Weekly Weigh-In .. ACCOUNTABILITY

Created: 2012/01/26, Members: 722, Messages: 716

Official FreeTrainers Community weigh-in to stay on track .. plus weight loss challenges!

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First Step

Posts: 2
Joined: 2012/02/16
United States
2012/03/06, 12:22 AM
I'm 43 and I took the first step on a long road to being health again today.  I realized that I'm not what I use to be and this is going to be tougher than I thought.  I'm coming in at 305 under 6 ft.  I have about 90 lbs to go to reach my goal and thought it would be good just to have someone to talk to in my shoes or who has been there every now and then.  I think this will help with the motivation.