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weak abdominals

Posts: 1
Joined: 2002/07/05
2002/07/06, 12:46 PM
hi there,
this is samuel from India. I am working out from previous one year, every of my bodypart is growing but I am lacking abdominal growth. Please advice me, so that i could do at home also.
Posts: 665
Joined: 2001/03/27
United States
2002/07/06, 02:38 PM
Maybe their covered up by fat.. what does your body fat % look like right now.. could be that you just need to diet off a bit of it and then whatever is under there will show.. if not then you could try tons of various exercises (like the ft 12 week ab program).. I just posted some various ab stuff in another forum too so maybe you could check that out.
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2002/07/08, 02:26 PM
Not really sure if you are looking for more mass or tone the area? If more mass, you need to do weighted ab exercises. To tone the area, you'll need to diet, do some cardio and ab exercises without weights.

Hope this answers your question.

Pain is temporary; glory is forever!
Posts: 2
Joined: 2002/07/08
2002/07/08, 02:35 PM
Hi, I am Rajesh from India, Bangalore and am been gyming for the past 9 months continuously now. I was a smoker and drinker but have since stopped. I increased as much as 24 kg since and have put on quite a bit of muscle also but one problem is the fat in the stomach which seems to love my so much it wont leave me. I do approximately 15 minutes a day for abs alone. I do free exercises for it as recommended by muscle-fitness, etc but I see only a meagre improvement there.Also does doing abs exercise daily harmful?
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2002/07/08, 02:56 PM
Abs are just like any other muscle should not train them everyday. As far as the fat, you can't spot reduce. Your abs ARE underneath that layer of fat. In order for them to show, you'll need to modify your diet and do cardio exercises. There's no way around this I'm afraid...

Pain is temporary; glory is forever!