Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

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General advice on training programme

Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/09/08
United Kingdom
2003/09/09, 05:07 PM
I'm 15, 5'8 and have recently started weight training, my main aim is to improve muscle strength in preperation for sports I compete in (especially rugby), however I do not want to lose cardio fitness as I play in a position where this is important. I've created a programme using the excercise programme link, however this suggests training each muscle group once or twice a week, is this better than training them everyday?
Some of the excersises suggested by the programme need a bar to carry them out (Wide grip chins to front, hanging leg raises) which I dont have, is can someone suggest suitable replacement excersises?
Finnally how do you progress when entering what you have done into the database? is it up to you to increase weights/reps etc. or is this automatic?

Thanks for any help in advance
Posts: 126
Joined: 2002/05/02
United States
2003/09/10, 07:12 AM
first throw some running into your program. try to run at least every other day. training once or twice is better than everyday. everyday would deplete you of much energy and tire the muscles out too fast.

free your mind -Logger
Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/09/08
United Kingdom
2003/09/10, 11:13 AM
Thanks logger, i'll try sticking to the programe created.
Can anyone think of any replacments for chin up to front and hanging leg raises please?

Posts: 126
Joined: 2002/05/02
United States
2003/09/11, 03:36 PM
replacements for chinning could b wide grip pulldowns and replacements for hangin leg raises could be lying leg raises, they work just the same. and benefits to pulldowns is you can increase and decrease the weight easier. also about your progression don't worry just stick to the created program. instead of increasing reps and sets just increase the weight, its simpler. plus it won't let you change the reps or sets.