Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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Breaking up the workout?

Posts: 4
Joined: 2003/06/22
2003/08/09, 04:12 AM
I was wondering if I would get better gains if I broke my workouts up more and took less days completely off. Right now I combine back, tris, lats, and delts and do this 2 times a week. I combine chest and bis and forearms and do this 2 times a week. And then I have legs. I do abs every day. I have a day completely off between exercise days to rest myself. I was wondering if I should just do back and tris on Monday. Chest (incline, flat, decline, pec dec, flyes) on Tuesday. Rest on Wednesday. Bis on Thursday. Legs on Friday. Rest Saturday and Sunday. Does this sound like a good plan?
Posts: 192
Joined: 2002/12/23
United States
2003/08/09, 05:57 PM
First of all doing abs every day probably won't get you results. They need time to rest and recover. Every other day is good enough. How long have you been following your workout of doing every body part twice a week? I mix my workouts up. Most of the time I train each body part only once a week doing multiple exercises and sets for it working it until failure. When I feel I need a change in my workout, I combine body parts and work out everything twice a week.
Posts: 1,651
Joined: 2003/04/11
United States
2003/08/12, 03:29 PM
We do the Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri split and it is working out well. We do abs every other day or at least 3x a week. If it is new to you it will probably be beneficial. Periodic change is good.

...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills
Posts: 16
Joined: 2003/07/16
New Zealand
2003/08/21, 10:22 PM
yup i do tues ,wens, fri, sat! and i find that works!! i do abs about 3x's a week!! do u do the same exercises each week?? it might be more meneficial to change them (e.g say substitue db's with bb's) as muscles can adapt to routines and its good to catch them by suprise :)
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2003/09/30, 04:49 PM
rest buids the muscle, the weight is the tool
Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2003/10/01, 10:25 AM
Try this:
Legs on Sunday
Chest on Monday
Rest on Tuesday
Back and Tris on Wed
Calves and biceps on Thur
Shoulders and forearms on Fri

Ab work on m,w,&f
If you want specific advice the email me at: