Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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wrist pain

Posts: 192
Joined: 2002/12/23
United States
2003/05/16, 05:36 AM
I've been working on a strength program for my bench using heavy weights (compared to my max) and I injured my wrist. My wrist has been in pain the past couple of weeks and when I rotate it clockwise sometimes it feels tight and I have to bend it (I feel a little pop as I assume the bone goes back in place) and then the tightness is gone. I kno its not dislocated. I get this every now and then. Does anyone else get this? (any type of popping when rotating the wrist)What do you guys do to support the wrist when lifting heavy besides using gloves with wrist straps? I am so mad right now because I've just reached a personal best of 230 lbs. I'm considering taking a month off weight training, which I really don't want to do to let my wrist repair.
Posts: 14
Joined: 2003/05/19
United States
2003/05/30, 01:03 PM
I have some problems with my forearms/wrists not the popping out its like shin splints in my forarms. talking to some of the more experienced people/trainers around the gym. I found what has been workin for me is to do some general forearm workouts have helped. many of them think that my other muscles have advanced to fast and the forearms are straining to control the weight.
Posts: 198
Joined: 2003/05/25
United States
2003/05/31, 04:07 PM
It is important to realize that key functions of the forearm muscles is to stabilize the wrist & assist in grip. Usually the culprits in forearm problems is either a weak grip or an imblance of the forearm muscles. The solution to the grip problem is simple just start performing grip exercises, from what I hear the Captains of Crush grippers are really effective. As far as a muscular imbalance is concerned most people frequently overemphisize wrist curls and forget about reverse wrist curls. Remember that if one muscle is stronger than the other keeping the wrist in a locked position is tougher, so work on your weak points. Also you cant train with an injured wrist so the use of wrist wraps until the problem is cured is highly reccomended.

Patrick L.