Seated Barbell Wrist Curls


  • This movement is performed with a barbell in a seated position.
  • Sit on a bench, leaving enough room to place your arm on. Bend forward slightly.
  • Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip, as well keep your thumbs under the grip rather than over top. Place your hands very close together matched by your elbows. Your arms should be flat on the bench with your hands at the edge so they are able to bend down. First, bend your wrist to allow for the weight to hang down, you will feel a stretch. Next, roll the weight up until your forearm contracts.
  • Slowly lower the weight back to a fully extended position. Repeat the movement.


  • This is a great movement to develop the inner part of your forearms muscle, the flexor muscles. The key in this exercise is to get a good stretch at the bottom as well as a good contraction at the top. If you would like added benefit, when you extend the weight down, let the weight roll down your fingers to get a further stretch. Also, when you contract the weight at the top, lift you arms slightly towards you to get a greater contraction.
Primary muscles Forearms
Secondary muscles