Bent Over Cable Laterals
- This movement is performed in a bent-over standing position. You will need access to
cables from a machine, otherwise use dumbbells.
- Stand between two cables which are attached at the floor level. Keep a wide stance
to keep balance. Grasp a handle in each hand; your left hand holding the right cable
and your right hand holding the left cable. This will cross your hands in front of
you. Bend forward.
- You may also do this one arm at a time as depicted in the pictures above.
- Now keeping a strict form, pull each cable simultaneously straight out to your
- Hold for 1-2 seconds and release back to starting position.
- This is an excellent movement for isolating the rear deltoids. Once again, this is a
movement which really isolates the muscle at work, so be sure to use a slow and
control method of execution. Once again, DO NOT swing the weight up.
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