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Week 1, Day 1

Posted on: 2012/02/09, 11:53 AM by: Rhiss
Starting Weight: 238 lbs

Bah, so last night, I made a deal with Anthony (My boyfriend) that if I lost 50 lbs, he'd come see me, like I've been wanting. Don't worry, he's not saying it because he thinks I'm ugly. He said that he didn't want to watch me kill myself and with the health problems I've been having lately, I..don't blame him. Today's the first day, I'm gonna eat a muffin to get some energy because I'm famished.. then try this exercise thing the site generated for me, jog a bit and see how I feel afterwards. Time to start making myself look and feel better!


SO, my breakfast this morning is a small blueberry muffin and some fat free yoplait strawberry yogurt...and a bottle of water. No more sodas or red diamond tea until I've reached like.. idk 10 lbs less? I've gained that much over the past year, probably due to stress. Since I'm eating, I guess I should tell you how I came to this site. It was through a Google search. xD I have to remind myself to get some of that Naked fruit smoothie stuff this weekend. >>;


Welp, just got back from a biking trip and sent myself into an asthma attack and I have no rescue inhaler. Thinking about talking my mom into taking me tot he doc to see if they can prescribe me one. But, this is why I do not exercise or work out, I end up in attacks and can't get out. :/ This is going to be harder than I thought.


Finished up with the exercises from the Home Workout generator. I feel a bit better and stretched out, a little sore, but that's normal for someone who is very out of shape. lol. Anyways, time for some lunch! Gonna eat 1 hot pocket, 1 100 calorie bag of cheeze-its, and a bottle of water.

This is me signing off for today, see you guys again tomorrow! o.o;
